Written by Kirsten Goode, Encompass Marketing
This year has been tough! and especially tough on businesses that have been forced to close or cut back on the goods and services they provide.
But not all is bleak in the world of business in Australia and here is why.
As a glass half full type of person, I always look to find the silver linings in any battles I have had to face, and even in the darkest of times, I believe you can find a glimmer of something to enable you to move forward with positivity and hope.
So when it came to 2020 and the unprecedented year that it has been, I found myself excited by the prospect of the dawning of a new age in business. First there was the industrial revolution then the technical revolution and now the virtual evolution.
My top 3 upsides of 2020
1. Virtual business – The business of wearing your P.J’s to work!
We all knew it was coming, we have had the capacity to be virtual for a while now but have been a bit slow on the uptake. In short we’ve been untrusting of the technology, and the ability of our people to get the work done outside of an office environment. So having it thrust upon us may well have been the best and most efficient way of adopting the work from home mentality.
As someone who has worked from home for many years, I have never really understood the reticence of business to adopt this particular work practice. Employees are more focused with less distractions, more flexible with their work hours, less inclined to take sick leave and better able to get their work life balance under control due to the lack of commute. Monetarily, your business can save on costs like office space, heating and office maintenance. There is also the added bonus that people with disabilities, young children or who live in a different location, will gain the ability to seek work where they never have before. Plus the environmental benefits of less planes, trains and automobiles cannot be understated.
What’s not to love?
Whilst I realise that working from home does not suit all professions and is not viable or sustainable as a fulltime practice for everyone, I believe this year is the beginning of a work revolution that will change how we work, how we feel and how and when we interact with our loved ones.
2. Virtual events – The show is back in town!
As someone who has lived in large cities, small towns as well as somewhere in between, I am very aware of the divide between the city and the country, especially when it comes to opportunities for health and education.
If 2020 has taught us anything it is that location is no longer a barrier to entry in areas such as learning, education or health. Zoom and other virtual meeting platforms have created the opportunity for regional businesses to access events never previously offered in regional Australia. Webinars and workshops that will provide them with the opportunity to be on the cutting edge of new work practices as well as marketing channels and networking events that will provide them with the ability to compete with their city cousins in all that they do with pretty much any event these days offered virtual.
Virtual appointments with doctors mean that expertise that has never before been offered in remote areas can now be accessed resulting in, quite possibly, life saving advice.
3. Government Assistance – Show me the money!
The Australian Federal Government has, in the last 9 months, spent an historical amount of money to prop up Australia’s economy during these difficult times. With close to a trillion dollars in debt, its probably viewed by many as a concern, and to some extent it is. However what this means is that the government is distributing more money into the community than it’s collecting in revenue, and this will mean greater spending at a time where most businesses desperately need it. Also, with the international borders shut, this means that spending is predominantly taking place within the Australian economy.
That can only be a good thing!
It also means that there is a lot of opportunities for businesses to take advantage of the governments generosity and access grants and subsidies on offer through both the State and Federal Governments.
But where do you find all these wonderful grants and subsidies?
Covid business grants and Covid business loans
There are a number of places to look for funding for your business. Here are a few links where you can research what’s on offer and whether your business is eligible.
- https://business.gov.au/Grants-and-Programs
- https://www.raa.nsw.gov.au/grants
- https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/campaign/covid-19-help-small-businesses/grants-loans-and-financial-assistance
- https://www.grants.gov.au/
With so many choices it can be a bit overwhelming as well as time consuming trying to find what is suitable for your business. One of the services we offer is to help our partners look! We will keep on top of the grants on offer and will let you know of the ones that may interest you!